Friday, August 5, 2005

NB Hearld, B Salerno 8/5/05

Fishing Report: Consistent trout fishing is still being reported from the Natchaug, Salmon Housatonic and Farmington Rivers. Best times to fish remain at day break and dusk. Anglers fishing after dark on the Farmington are being rewarded with some hefty brown trout of over 20-inches. Current successful patterns include Needhami, Stenonema, Isonychia, Blue Wing Olives, Vitreus, Caddis, Midges, Black Ants, Black Beetles and Golden Drake.

Largemouth bass fishing is reported as good to excellent in many lakes and ponds including Lake Williams, Lake Lillinonah, Candlewood, Congamond Winchester, Coventry, Bantam, East Twin, Mansfield Hollow Reservoir, Moodus Reservoir, and Pachaug Pond. Smallmouth action reported at Lake Housatonic, Hatch Pond, Squantz Pond, Coventry Lake, Candlewood Lake, Bashan Lake and in the Quinebaug, Pomperaug, Natchaug, Willimantic and Housatonic Rivers

The Connecticut River is fishing excellent for catfish. Frozen cut bait is working great. Pike fishing is excellent in the Haddam Meadows area. Smallmouth bass fishing is good north of Hartford.

In saltwater, striped bass fishing remains good on the reefs for "cows" using live scup, hickory shad and eels on three way bottom rigs. Stripers and bluefish can be found off Watch Hill, Ram Island Reef, the Race, Plum Gut, Bartlett Reef, Hatchett Reef, Long Sand Shoal, Cornfield Point, Sixmile Reef, New Haven Harbor, Charles Island area, Penfield Reef, and around the Norwalk Islands. Most bluefish are in the 6 to 8 lbs. range. Fluke fishing remains a slow pick for legal sized fish. Patience is the key in finding doormats and large baits including whole squid are the ticket.

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