Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rivers End, Old Saybrook, 6/10/09

STRIPED BASS --- The mouth of the Connecticut has been driving
some casters mad. There's been daily reports of big bass along Great
Island being spooked or just leaving wakes. Occasionally they follow a
lure and on rare moments hit the thing. The only consistent method has
been trolling the tube and worm. This morning they were in a feeding
mode and were breaking after bait and hitting lures.

Out on the reefs its been better but not good, Southwest and Six Mile
Reef were on and off so far this week and Long Sand Shoal gave up a few
bass but its a more consistent shot than the River. Bartletts has also
been OK but better at night. The Race, Plum Gut and Pigeon Rip have
some medium bass between the blues.

Watch Hill is probably the best of the reefs with a load of sand eels,
butterfish and a few squid to feed many medium sized bass.

--- Its a good start to the season and you can start right
in the Connecticut River. Its not news but some big choppers have been
roaming the flats off Great Island and near the Calves Island day
marker. Plum Gut and Pigeon are faring better than the Race. Closer to
home you can try Southwest Reef with fewer and smaller blues.

FLUKE--- The season starts in Connecticut on Monday June 15th,
its also the last day of the NY Spring season. Reports from Greenport
and accidental Fishers Island have been encouraging. In RI the draggers
have been making sure the bottom is clean for the opener.

PORGIES--- Only reports are coming in from Niantic still.

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