Friday, April 27, 2007

Rivers Ends - Old Saybrook

  • STRIPED BASS- It seems that we started this report last week with a sour note on the rain, it looks like dejavu all over again. Last night and todays waterfall will keep the Connecticut River looking like a nice milk chocolate. In spite of all the brown, dirty and fast running water last week in the River it didn't stop the bass from hitting. Schoolies mostly in the 15 to 24 inch range have been in the lower River. By boat the Great Island area has been best, by foot the DEP Piers with worms has been the most consistent. The Causeway and some of the Old Lyme Beaches have had some schoolies.
  • FLOUNDER- a few good reports came in from the Niantic River this week. We even heard of a limit catch in only one outing. Not much encouraging from other spots.
  • BLACKFISH- Again we haven't heard much this week even with favorable weather. Its time, and the season end at the end of the month.

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